Thursday, June 7, 2007

Bioshock Regular Edition Cover

This cover just screams out, "Buy me, or I'm gonna punch you in your face right in front of this little girl!"

Games like this make me wonder if regular edition box art is purposely made to look lame in order to encourage people to buy the Limited Edition.

I mean, come on. Bioshock is one of the best looking games ever made, with an umistakable art style, and they slap a goofy looking Big Daddy in an awkward pose on the cover. Does he really need to be throwing a punch at the person holding the game? It looks more like he's holding his fist out, waiting to be acknowledged with a little return fist punch. That's how Big Daddy rolls. Don't leave him hanging now...

Personally, I think people might be disappointed when they find out you don't get to play as Mr. Driller's misunderstood sibling, punching anyone who tries to get near his Little Sister.

That'd be a cool twist in Bioshock, if there was a hidden mode where you get to play as one of those drill handed muh-fuh's. I probably wouldn't punch guys so much though, seeing as I've got a 4 foot drill mounted on my other arm.

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