Thursday, April 17, 2008

Okami Cover Art Marred by Ad

Rawmeat Cowboy over at GoNintendo picked up his copy of Okami at his local Gamestop yesterday (that was his first mistake) and was dismayed to find that underneath the cellophane, which has a sticker proudly displaying the game's "A" rating from, is another rating, a 9.5 from Play magazine, printed directly on the artwork. Here's what it looks like with the cellophane on:

and off:

Why would they do that when you've already purchased the game if you're removing the cellophane? Well, Capcom is obviously aware of Gamestop's policy of not displaying sealed copies on the sales floor. They remove the game from the case (discarding the shrink wrap) and place a price sticker directly on the box to prevent theft. Because removing the shrink wrap also means the sticker is gone, Capcom has to print it directly on the artwork to insure it gets its message across. Just another reason why Gamestop sucks.

I don't know if this only applies to copies of the game sold at Gamestop, but I doubt Capcom made an alternate version just for them.

If it helps sell some extra copies to people who may have otherwise passed it by, that's a good thing in any case, but people really need to stop shopping at Gamestop. Just go to Best Buy, they'll have 10 times the amount of copies and won't get pissed at you if you don't reserve stuff.

[via GoNintendo]

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